Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

I had a wonderful Mother's Day! The weather was about as beautiful as it can possibly get around here at this time of year. We ate great food, everyone got to be outside having fun instead of couped up in the house, I gave guided tours of my flowers and fruit trees, we hung out at the camp spot, just a real mellow, fun day!
I was really hungry for comfort foods, so I made shepherd's pie and coleslaw. Bought a couple of baguettes, ice cream, and for the kids, some Popsicles. Mom brought a casserole and 3 French cheeses, Syl brought a crock pot of baked beans with hamburger (she calls it PUD) and a HUGE salad. Mitch came a little later with Jean and her girls and brought chips, pop and grapes. Whitey made pork tenderloins, one bbq and the other terriyaki. Boy did we EAT!!! I was looking forward to leftovers, which is what I love to eat for breakfast, but sadly, there were none :(

I guess with 20 people at your house that is to be expected, but next time I will stash some in the back of the fridge!

I mananged to get a silly picture of my cat Link. He has more personality in his paw than all of my 9 cats combined.

Fun memory of a great day!

1 comment:

  1. It really was a wonderful day, wasn't it? Cute pic of Link!
