Tuesday, April 28, 2020

***insert catchy title here***

My brain thinks in what "should be" instead of "what is". It's a very difficult place to be. Reality and fantasy collide but as an artist, fantasy is what fuels your craft, that is what makes us a little "off", which is why I tend to be attracted to "off" people. I'm not talking "off" in a bad way but "off " in a "march to the beat of a different drummer" off. A peaceful, creative, touchy feely kind of person, but still detached in a way to protect them from the ones who want them to march to THEIR beat. People who have a different agenda than yours. (Again, I am NOT talking about people who want you to do something harmful.)

Anyway, as I was taking pictures today, I thought a lot about this dilemma. How to be your creative self and still be able to function in the "real world". People don't understand your need for solitude. They don't understand your need for "space". It is often looked upon as sloth, and sometimes the creative soul IS slothful.

How do you reconcile the two?

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